"Aside: Jordan Peterson bases his advice on heavily-validated psychological research." Please provide examples, because what I see is him basing his theories on ideas he cooked up in his head around topics that he has actually zero training in. The American Psychological Association just issued new guidelines (which made Peterson apoplectic) about how harmful to men norms of "traditional masculinity" actually are. If there's research out there saying that stuff is actually good for men or good for society, it's aberrant because 40+ years of mainstream research agrees with the APA.
He's positioned himself as a social critic but he has no training in sociology or any related topic. He’s read the Communist Manifesto twice (a pamphlet to introduce people to the ideas, not a substantive academic exploration) and yet he talks endlessly about Neo-Marxism as though he understands it. He uses lobsters to "prove" the inevitability of hierarchy even though we haven't shared a common ancestor for 700 million years and that serotonin affects humans in exactly the opposite way that it affects lobsters. He talks about things like the need for "enforced monogamy" completely oblivious to the fact that in nearly all consensually non-monogamous sub-cultures women have multiple partners as well as men, so it's not like there's a "shortage" of some sort.
Sorry, but he's another idiot in my book - one who is making money hand over fist by preying on the insecurities and wounds of men in a truly disgraceful way by making them think they are heroes fighting evil rather than saps who are digging their own grave by continuing to seed their own misery. Yes, he's more complex and intellectual than Tate, but it's achieving a lot of the same ends - trying to bring back "traditional masculinity" and the worst aspects of the dominance hierarchy to the detriment of both men and society. He tells men to take responsibility for themselves all the while exhorting them to blame feminists, vegans, SJWs, and anyone else he can find to blame for things. It’s just maddening how inconsistent and hypocritical he is at every turn.