But, if you then shouted at your former employer, "You suck, I never wanted this job in the first place," and then tried to cut them with a knife you'd be considered a complete asshole with terrible manners who was way out of line and crazy to boot. Too many men nowadays seem to think that is a reasonable and appropriate response to being told that they are not in fact a match for the woman.
Apparently, she's not allowed to just not be feeling it. There's a whole lot of entitlement wrapped up in that belief.
No man should be approaching hundreds of women per month because what that indicates is he wants somebody, anybody with a penis shaped hole in her body, and is not remotely interested in finding a woman who as a person who is a good match for him. Women can sense that shit and don't like it. Dating is hard, but most people you meet are not going to click with you, because that's how finding someone compatible works. Guys who just want anyone who is pretty that they can fuck don't get much sympathy from me. Go buy a robot. Women are people. They get to say no. They get to not feel any sort of chemical attraction to somebody who is otherwise perfectly nice. They are not here on earth for the pleasure and benefit of men. They are human beings. End of story.