But you haven't explained anything in detail or frankly, at all. Not one thing. You've doubled down on how not everyone agrees about these things, which is par for the course in any field, even hard science, but you haven't provided any back-up, any details, any citations, any articles or quotes. There are actual scientists who don't believe in global warming. There aren't very many of them and they are vastly outnumbered by those who see it as the obvious interpretation of the facts, but it is true that still, some disagree. This doesn't prove anything. Obviously, your preconceived notions are more important to you than what the facts actually suggest, as proven by your obsession with human alphas even though the alphas in the animal kindgom bear no resemblance at all to your made-up human construct of that. Doesn't stop you one bit, those pesky facts, does it?
You haven't actually rebutted any of the specific things that either Elle or I have said. Instead, you've switched topics so that you don't have to admit that you don't have the goods to do that. But you're still going to persist in disagreeing even though you can't back it up with anything substantive.
Call me Karen all you want. It just makes me chuckle because it's like a little kid on the playground who can't come up with anything better than "I know you are, but what am I?" Pfft!