Evolutionary psychology on the whole is junk science. Socialization is responsible for all gender differences. There is absolutely zero reputable neuroscience that recognizes any significant differences the brains of men and women. One of the ways we know this is that in different cultures and at different times in history, we didn't have the same expectations and it shows how this stuff is cultural and not universal or innate.
Today, in the Mosuo culture of China, women do all the farming and heavy labor except for building houses, which men do. Men also tend to animals (something that is considered a feminine task in the West). There are no formalized relationships with men that aren't family, and sibling relationships are considered the strongest, closest bonds a person can have. There aren't any "husbands" or "fathers" and family name as well as inheritance passes through mothers. Everyone lives in the home of their mother or grandmother with their siblings and cousins. Lovers come and visit but don't ever set up their own households or formalize relationships. How exactly does David Buss explain that? He can't so he ignores it and pretends that and many other exceptions to his paradigm don't exist. Pathetic and highly unscientific.
The APA just spent 13 years sorting through 40 years of research (most of it done by men) and determined that the way men are socialized harms them - and everyone else. The intiative was spearheaded by a man. You deciding that's not true because it hurts your feelings doesn't make it any less true.
And no, the APA is not run by women. In fact, it's been a quite androcentric organization that needs to do better about allowing female leadership and treating women members better.
"Thus, from 1892 through 1971, a span of 80 years, only two women were elected to the APA presidency (2.5 percent), while over the last 36 years, nine women have been elected (25 percent). In APA, women are definitely making progress!"
Grow up, for heaven's sake. It's just so fucking tiresome.