I read in a another comment that you have a daughter and consider yourself someone who is a feminist ally. If you actually do give a damn about any of that (and I presume that you do), you need to open your eyes to what the world is really like for women and girls and stop being so needlessly defensive.
I wasn't looking for this info, but did just so happen to read earlier today a study that confirms enitrely what Elle said in her OP.
"From the earliest ages, children are subject to messages that present women primarily as objects for male use, as rewards for victory, wealth, and fame; messages that disregard women’s perspective and inaccurately represent their gratification. Parents of little girls may surround their daughters with books and movies and images of complex female characters in an effort to offset all that, but rarely do parents of boys do the same: the distorted depiction of women in media is seen as a problem for girls alone.
By their teens and twenties, boys consume content from men’s lifestyle brands whose presentation of female sexuality is not always so very different from porn’s: study participants presented with quotes from popular “lad” magazines mixed with those by convicted rapists were unable to reliably distinguish between the two; they actually ranked the former as more derogatory. “[Such publications] give the appearance that sexism is acceptable and normal,” the researchers concluded, adding that “the legitimization strategies that rapists deploy when they talk about women are more familiar to these young men than we had anticipated.”
Orenstein, Peggy. Boys & Sex (p. 63). Harper. Kindle Edition.
Is that the sort of world you are looking forward to your daughter growing up in? Because unless we talk about this dynamic and challenge it together, it will be. We need men like you to be real allies, not pretend ones.