It's funny because The American Psychological Association and all sorts of other entities who study gender can easily come up with a generalized male. It's not uniform to be sure, but it is extremely pervasive in part because it's what guys are indoctrinated into from birth. Same goes for women, but it's a slightly larger box, and a much, much less destructive one.
I'd love to see a day where all flavors of male and masculine (that aren't harmful) are allowed to thrive, but we're not there yet. As of now, we're still quite boxed into dominance, aggression, artificial suppression of any vulnerable emotions, control of women, heterosexuality, and never admit to fear or uncertainty. And, all of those things drive violence in the culture - against women and children, but also against other men. Sure, not all guys buy into that stuff to the same extent, but they are still bombarded with those expectations from birth. Talking about that is not out of line. In fact, it's vital to progress, and getting more men talking about that stuff is critical.
Pretending that there are "bad apples" and that they are the real issue is a cop-out to not have to deal with the ways that mainstream masculinity is incredibly harmful.