Simon is a man who demonstrably (by the evidence of his own writings) hates and disdains women. He is a wolf in sheep's clothing and he deserves to be attacked way, way more than he has been. If you think he's a "good guy" who is being unfairly targeted, I have nothing else to say to you because it would be completely pointless - although the fact that you can't take responsibility for your own callous words already indicates that.
What can you do about your privilege? Tons! Read some relevant books. Join a men's group and learn about that. I have neither the time nor the inclination to educate you on that - however, pretending there's nothing you can do is the kind of bystander behavior that keeps the status quo. Good job - you are almost as much a part of the problem as actual perpetrators!
"If you are a member of a dominant group, you have a responsibility to challenge other members of your group who are acting in oppressive ways. If you do not, then your silence is tantamount to complicity in their abusive behavior. "
Katz, Jackson. The Macho Paradox (p. 68). Sourcebooks. Kindle Edition.