Lorelei Weldon
2 min readJul 4, 2023


That's actually a function of patriarchy - where we've all been messaged all of our lives that "women are emotional" and "men are tough and stoic." It also has zero to do with not looking at that man as a human being - that's a complete false equivalency. She thinks he's silly, she doesn't think that he is an object that exists solely for her pleasure and entertainment.

And in case you didn't realize this, women don't write their own divorce decrees - judges (who are overwhelmingly male) do that. Typically, primary custody is given to the person who has already been the primary person meeting the child's needs.


"Regardless of the terms used, the primary caregiver standard tries to determine which parent has been responsible for meeting most of the child's daily needs, such as feeding, bathing, playing, waking and putting to bed, making doctor appointments, arranging for child care, and so on. In some families, these tasks are truly shared between the parents. And of course, some stay-at-home dads bear most of the responsibility for their children. However, even though more women work full time now than in the past, women are much more likely to take on the primary caregiver roles."

Then there's this:

“In industrialized nations like the United States, close to half of all children whose parents divorce lose contact with their fathers shortly afterward. Within ten years, the proportion rises to two-thirds. For many reasons, not all of which have to do with male priorities, only 52 percent of divorced mothers receive full child support; for children born out of wedlock, the proportion receiving support falls to 32 percent.”

Hrdy, Sarah Blaffer. Mothers and Others (p. 150).

Acting like loving and involved fathers are routinely being denied access to their children is a complete lie. And what does the fact that most of the homeless are men have to do with this topic? That speaks to our late stage capitalist patriarchal system. It doesn't speak to women looking at men as objects in the way that you admit that so many men look at women that way. I could quote you reams and reams of statistics about how women are routinely dehumanized by our culture (most of the poor are women, more maternal deaths in our culture than any other Western democracy, etc.) but that still doesn't speak to the dynamic that the Dr. is touching on.

Good lord, this stuff is mostly pulled from your Id and has no basis in fact or reality. It's just the way you imagine that it is and feel fine with declaring. I hesitate to bother responding to the rest, since it bears so little resemblance to facts, data, research, or observable reality, but I guess I'll dive back in and see.



Lorelei Weldon
Lorelei Weldon

Written by Lorelei Weldon

Student of human nature and advocate for a safer, saner, more love-infused world. If I read it, there’s a good chance I’ll leave a comment.

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