You really honestly have no concept of or understanding of this topic. Please, please, please stop talking about it as if you do. I'm not saying this to be antagonistic, but you really need to do some reading to educate yourself (and reflecting on your own privilege) before you speak about this in public again.
You might as well be complaining that Black Lives Matter is not spending more time on white kids in poverty, or that LGBTQ folks aren't spending more time on straight issues. Women are a marginalized and discriminated against class of people. Do you honestly not recognize that? Feminism seeks to improve equality for all by dismantling patriarchal norms that hurt women, but that also hurt men - but of course, the main focus is on women's needs, because that's where the main gender deficit lies. Asking women to solve everyone's problems - most of which were created or caused by patriarchy - is misogyny. It's pushing women back into the lane of nurturer and caregiver to the world, while their own needs languish in the background or get diluted.
Modern men face a unique set of issues relate to their gender - ALL OF THEM CAUSED BY PATRIARCHY. Go clean up your own house and stop demanding that women put themselves second to help you with the problems created by your demographic. It's a very, very ugly look and a much more insidious narrative than if it were coming from a guy not pretending to be a feminist.
Read bell hooks, The Will to Change: Men, Masculinity, and Love or anything by hooks really to get a better understanding of how to be an actual ally.