You seem to have kind of a tenuous grasp of history. Overt, deliberate oppression and marginalization of women is apparent in every era for the past several thousand years. All you have to do is to take a look at the laws of that time to prove that this is so and was done deliberately. For example, women didn’t get the vote in the US until 1920. They tried for 100 years to do so, but there was vehement and active resistance to it. When women did try to vote before ratification of the 19th amendment, they were spat upon, beaten, and jailed for it. Sounds pretty overt and intentional to me. What were they being protected from exactly? Being full citizens, having to think for themselves….. ? Hmm…
There are still places that actively and intentionally marginalize and discriminate against women in the present day. Golf clubs are one glaring example. In many of them, a single woman still can’t be a member. She can only be a joint member with either her husband or father. This doesn’t mean that all men are evil oppressors or that we shouldn’t take the concerns of men seriously too, but you don’t need to do a bunch of revisionist history for that.
In biblical times, women could be stoned for adultery — because that was the law. In neolithic times women had complete sexual freedom. What transpired to get from the latter place to the former was intentional and deliberate. It had nothing to do with the health and wellbeing of babies or mothers. There are women today who gave birth in rice fields and kept on working. You can’t just make shit up because it sounds good to you. This stuff is actually knowable and known.
What it had to do with was restricting women in order to know for sure the parentage of any offspring, because for the first time, people had individual belongings that they wanted to pass on to heirs “of the blood.” The result of this was that women went from being full members of society, to being essentially chattel. They were owned and controlled by their fathers and then their husbands. That’s where the wedding custom of the father giving his daughter away to her new husband stems from. But then, you already knew that……..
I’m all for looking at and talking about the ways that men are harmed by society too, but how about we have this whole conversation from a place of honesty and truth, to say nothing of science and fact?